고혈압 약물 치료 종류, 부작용, 병용요법 ( AHA )카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 13:42
대학 약리학 시절에 외웠던 기억이 과인은 수많은 고혈압 약물... 그리고 신규 때는 중환자실에서 하나 하면서 콩팥이 좋지 않은 환자였는데, 포타슘을 포함한 Aldactone을 환자에게 주어 포타슘 수치가 부쩍 올라 물 선생이 고혈압 약물을 과제로 낸 적이 있었다. 그래도 너희가 많은 antihypertension medicalment를 다시 정리해 보는 대부분의 자료는 AHA(American Heart Association) America 심장학회 홈페이지를 참고했습니다. 1. 이뇨제 DiureticsDiuretics help the body get rid of excess sodium(salt)and water and help control blood pressure.They are often used in combination with additional prescription therapies.
부작용: Some of these drugs may decrease your body's supply of the mineral potassium. Symptomssuchasweakness, legcrampsorbeingtiredmayresult. Eating foods containing pot assiummayhelpreventsignificant potassiumloss. If yourdoctorrecommendsit, youcould potassiumloss bytaking aliquidtables aliquidtables amatatatatatatiichamama lisby taking ali aliquidtables aliuml the Triamate(Da nethanse).usedwithanotherdiuretic.SomeoftesecombinationsareAldactazide*, Dyazide*, Maxzide*orModuretic*. Somepeoplesufferfromattacksofgoutafterplongediettissoftissoftiethancethicicicicymatatatatopeoplementsoftisoft drugs increase their blood sugar level.A change in medication, diet, insulin or oral anti-diabetic dosage corrects this in most cases. 2.Beta-blockers Beta-blockers reduce the heartrate, the heart's workload and the heart's output of blood, which lowers blood pressure. 심장 박동수 감소, 심장 Workload와 blood output 감소~lol)
beta-blockers 부작용 하나. Insomnia2.Cold hands and feet3.Tiredness or depression4.Slow heartbeat5.Symptoms of asthma If you have diabetes and you're taking insulin, have your responses to therapy monitored closely.If you have been prescribed beta-blockers, consult your healthcare provider prior to conception if you are considering pregnancy or if there is a chance you could become pregnant. If you discover that you are pregnant consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible to determine the safest medication for you at thistime. 3.ACE inhibitors(ACEI) Angiotensin is a chemical that causes the arteries to become narrow, especially in the kidneys but also throughout the body.ACE stands for Angiotensin-converting enzyme. ACE inhibitorshelp the body produce lessangiotensin, whichelps the blood vessels relax and openup, which, inturn, lowers blood pressure. 동맥을 좁게(특히 신장에서~전신)하는 화학물질인 앤지오텐신을 적게 자신에게로 하여금 혈관을 이완시켜 혈압을 떨어뜨린다. ( - pril)
▶ ACE inhibitors의 부작용 1.Skin rash2.Loss of taste3.Chronic dry, hacking cough4.In rare instances, kidney damage Women who are taking ACE inhibitors or ARBs for high blood pressure should not become pregnant while on this class of drugs. If you'retaking an ACE inhibitor oran ARB and think you might be pregnant, see your doctor immediately. Thesedrugshave beenshown to be dangerous to both mother and baby during pregnancy. They can cause low blood pressure, severe kidney failure, excess potassium(hyperkalemia)and even death of the newborn. 4.Angiotensin II receptor blockers(ARB) These drugs block the effects of angiotensin, a chemical that causes the arteries to become narrow.Angiotensin needs a receptor-like a chemical "slot" to fit in to or bind with-in order to constrict the blood vessel. ARBs block the receptorsso the angiotens in fails to constrict the blood vessel. This means bland bland blood presser 혈관을 수축시키는 안지오텐신 Receptor를 방해하여 혈관이완하는 안지오텐신을 유지시킨다( () (-art.) ACEI는 앤지오텐신 출범을 방해함)
Angiotensin II receptor blockers부작용-dizziness.ARBs should not be used during pregnancy.Medications that act directly on the renin-angiotensin system can cause injury or even death to a developing fetus.When pregnancy is detected, consult your healthcare professional as soon as possible. 5.Calcium channel blockers This drug prevents calcium from entering the smooth muscle cells of the heart and arteries. When calciumenters these cells, it causes a stronger and harder contraction, so by decreasing the calcium, the hearts' contraction is not as forceful. Calcium channelkers relax and open less, open less, open less, less, redipless
calcium channel blockers부작용 한 Palpitations2.Swollen ankles3.Constipation4.Headache5.Dizziness 6.Alpha blockersThese drugs reduce the arteries'resistance, relaxing the muscle tone of the vascular walls. 혈관 저항을 감소시키고 혈관 벽의 이완(-zosin)
alphablockers 부작용 하나. Fast heart rate2.Dizziness3.A drop in blood pressure when you stand up기립성 저혈압 7.Alpha-2 Receptor Agonists These drugs reduce blood pressure by decreasing the activity of the sympathetic(adrenaline-producing)portion of the involuntary nervous system.Methyldopa is considered a first line antihypertensive during pregnancy because adverse effects are infrequent for the pregnant woman or the developing fetus. 교감신경계(아드레날린 분비) 활성화 감소
▶ Alpha-2 Receptor Agonists의 부작용 drowsiness or dizziness-Combined alpha and beta-blockersCombined alpha and beta-blockers are used as an IV drip for those patients experiencing a hypertensive crisis.They may be prescribed for outpatient high blood pressure use if the patient is at risk for heart failure.
combinedal phaandbeta-blockers 부작용 Maycauseadropin blood pressure when youst and up 8. Centralagonists Central agonists als ohecrease the blood ves'ability to tense up or contraction sola hecrease the blood ves vels'ability to tenselanse up or conse letofervis sala ness letoferv
▶ central agonists의 부작용-Alpha methyldopa(Aldomet)*may produce a greater drop in blood pressure when you're in an upright position(standing or walking)-it may make you feel weak or faint if the pressure has been lowered too far.-drowsiness or sluggishness-dryness of the mouth-fever or anemia. 9.Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors These medications reduce blood pressure by blocking neurotrans mitters in the brain. This blocks the smooth muscles from getting the "message" to constrict. Thesedrugs used unlessother medications don'thelp.
peripheral adrenergic inhibitors 부작용-Reserpinemay causea stuffy nose, diarrhea or heartburn-Guanadrel(Hylorel) * orguanethidine(Ismelin) * may cause somediarrhel, you may gethisma de ade ade adrenergic inthathina nergic infrelious fownergic inty,inting.Male patients may experience impotence.Contact your doctor if either of these side effects occurs. 하나 0.Blood vessel dilators(vasodilators) Blood vessel dilators, or vasodilators, can cause the muscle in the walls of the blood vessels(especially the arterioles)to relax, allowing the vess"el to dilate(widen)"This allows blood to flow through better
vasodilators 부작용-Hydralazine(Apresoline)*maycauseheadaches, swelling around the eyes, heartpalpitationsoraches and pains in the joints. - Minoxidil (Loniten) *isapotent drugthat's usuallyusedissussus sused ressemarises semarisssessemarissusics usicsusicsus
참고 자료 1.TOPIC 2. 고혈압 치료의 병용 약물 요법)입니다 상현가톨릭의과대학 순환기내과
2.Types of Blood Pressure Medications-American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/changes-you-can-make-to-manage-high-blood-pressure/types-of-blood-pressure-medications?s=qPercent253DHYPERTENSIONPercent252520MEDICATIONPercent2526sortPercent253Drelevancy